Natural Gas Drilling May Not Be Healthy
Eoin Treacy's view The Gulf of
Mexico oil spill has focused attention on the methods used to extract oil and
gas from previously inaccessible areas whether through deep water drilling or
hydraulic fracturing. A gas well blowout in Pennsylvania on June 3rd began to
shift investor attention towards the possibility that hydraulic fracturing could
come under more scrutiny from an already twitchy political class. (Also see
Comment of the Day on June
7th). There have been questions about the environmental credentials of shale
gas drilling methods for some time and these will need to be answered conclusively
if the vast potential of the resource as a game changer in the energy sector
is to be more fully realised.
gas prices broke successfully above $4.50
two weeks ago and a sustained move back below that level would be required to
question scope for further upside. Since I am going on holiday from tomorrow,
I placed an in-the-money stop on my long position in the hope that it will continue
to perform.