Email of the day 2
Comment of the Day

August 06 2015

Commentary by David Fuller

Email of the day 2

On a Japanese stock market fund:

Could you suggest a fund(s) that tracks the Japanese stock market. I'd like to invest a portion of my UK SIPP. 
Many Thanks

David Fuller's view

Good idea, and most of them are currently listed in the Chart Library.  Here is how you can find them:


1) Go to the Chart Library.

2) On the left-hand side of the charcoal bar, click on the drop down menu.

3) See ‘Funds’ third up from the bottom; click on it.

4) There are six classifications on he upper left of a very big list.  I clicked on ‘Funds by Geographic Focus’.

5) Click on ‘Japan’ within that country list and you will see at least 64 different Japanese funds in that list, which you may wish to examine, starting with the chart performance.

6) Living in the UK, you may prefer one of the Sterling-denominated funds.  

Personally, I like investment trusts (closed-end funds).  The fifth one down on the left is the Atlantis Japan Growth Investment Trust (UK), still run by Edwin Merner who lives in Japan.  I still hold this in some of our family trusts.  It currently sells at a discount to NAV of 10%, according to Bloomberg. 

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