My personal portfolio
Comment of the Day

December 16 2015

Commentary by David Fuller

My personal portfolio

Some trades have been rolled forward.

David Fuller's view

My small position in the BlackRock World Mining Trust PLC was in the Dec contract, having been previously rolled forward at 249.95 on 9/10. Clearly a bad decision, this expired at 172.308 on 15/12, and I simultaneously purchased the March contract at 173.4326.  I intend to increase this stake when I see evidence of an uptrend.

My considerably larger position is in General Electric Co, which I opened in three equal-sized purchases in the Dec contract: 28.12 on 10/4, 28.36 on 13/4 and 27.20 on 22/4. GE had a torrid time shortly thereafter but fortunately turned around and these three contracts expired at 30.53 on 15/12.  Having kept them on automatic rollover, I simultaneously purchased Mar contracts at 30.3786.  GE is undergoing a positive transformation and I am looking for prices closer to the $40 region.

Prices above include all spread-bet dealing costs.

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