Email of the day 2
On UK defence capabilities and Brexit:
Dear David,
Interestingly, at a 50th birthday party a month or so before the referendum, I asked a group of fathers with whom I was chatting, whether, on a percentage scale, they thought their children would have any chance of being ‘called up’ to serve in the defence of their country. To a man they said ‘0%’… not 5% or 8%, but 0%... that, to me, was staggering. None of them have any military background, are professional, successful and, in my view, hugely complacent. If nothing else, history teaches us that these things are cyclical. There are many renegade leaders and renegade ideologies in the world today, while our defence capabilities have never been so weak. Do I sound like a rabid nationalist? I hope not.
As an aside, I voted ‘Out’. To me, it’s about democracy and sovereignty.
Best wishes,
I hope your friends are right but I agree with you. We need to upgrade Trident, with USA help, and also modernise and increased the size of our conventional armed forces. I believe Mrs May is committed to this.
Re Brexit, I agree and the most important issue for me, was whether we should continue on the journey to a single European state, or return to self-government.
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