Labour Force: We Are Moving Part-Time as the Jobs Market Hollows Out
Comment of the Day

August 18 2016

Commentary by David Fuller

Labour Force: We Are Moving Part-Time as the Jobs Market Hollows Out

Full-time employment has slid 64,500 since December while part-time employment has surged 136,600. The net result of 72,300 extra Australians in work reflects a hollowing out of employment rather than a boost in hours. There were scarcely any more hours worked in July than in December.

The international definition used by the Bureau of Statistics requires it to count someone as "employed" even if they work only one hour per week.

"With more than 86 per cent of total net jobs created over the last 12 months part-time, it is clear that Australia is becoming a nation of part-time employment growth with all the attendant negative consequences," said Bill Mitchell, director of the Centre of Full Employment and Equity at the University of Newcastle.

David Fuller's view


This trend has been clear for a number of years – the downside of technology in human terms is that many jobs across most industries and professions are being replaced more quickly than new jobs, other than part-time, can be found.  Additionally, Australia’s economy is adversely affected by China’s slowdown.

Click on The Sydney Morning Herald link above to see a painfully good cartoon on this subject.  

This trend has been clear for a number of years – the downside of technology in human terms is that many jobs across most industries and professions are being replaced more quickly than new jobs, other than part-time, can be found.  Additionally, Australia’s economy is adversely affected by China’s slowdown.

Click on The Sydney Morning Herald link above to see a painfully good cartoon on this subject.  

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