Email of the day 2
On fat, the American Medical Association and the Heart Association:
The good old American Medical Association and the Heart Association promoted fat as the culprit....
I guess there wasn't a fat industry to pay for the untainted research....whereas the sugar guys could pay for their "research.."
High-fat cheese: the secret to a healthy life?
Well said, and thanks for this video: High-fat cheese: the secret to a healthy life? It is at least the secret to a happier life. I regret the misleading diet information we received for so many years, including the 1970 & 1980s, when we were told to avoid fats. The way food industries have funded misleading ‘research projects’ is also a disgrace, and not for the first time. Similarly, I maintain that pharmaceutical companies have spent $billions funding ‘statins for everyone’ campaigns, and still are by some accounts.
Personally, I have enjoyed a mostly Mediterranean diet for at least the last five years and it includes plenty of healthy natural fats, but very few processed foods. You are what you eat.
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