Email of the day
Comment of the Day

February 15 2017

Commentary by David Fuller

Email of the day

On my medical setback (I’m restricting myself to just one):

Hi David, I am quite sure you have been inundated with get well messages from so many subscribers already. As I am of a similar age to yourself I would just like to add my own good wishes for a speedy recovery from your chest infection.

My interest in your site goes right back to the hard copy Chart Analysis days. Unfortunately, I have not met you in person at any of the events you host as I have now spent many retirement years in South Africa. We all I am sure appreciate your unique input and analysis especially to the attention you draw to relevant articles by some outstanding financial journalists. I have been very fortunate with my own health as of now but am aware of the time fuse getting shorter! (For your interest I found that Amoxicillin worked very well on many of my canine patients with bad chests!)

David Fuller's view

Thank you so much. 

I have insufficient words to fully express my gratitude to subscribers for all the kind and thoughtful emails which I have received following a medical setback that I trust is only a temporary problem.

I posted this email because I have not met this gentleman, although we have exchanged emails over the decades.  That is also true of many other subscribers and I value our email connections, which are often informative.

I was also amused by the last sentence above which mentions Amoxicillin.  It reminded me that after a week or so of my chest infection I went to our local surgery and was prescribed Amoxicillin for a week.  It had no effect, unfortunately, so I may not be sufficiently dogged.

Continue to enjoy that fine South African weather and the wonderful fruit.

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