Email of the day
Comment of the Day

April 12 2017

Commentary by David Fuller

Email of the day

On Brexit sentiment::

Dear David This article in the Sunday Telegraph summarises a poll of views of the UK population 9 months after the Brexit vote. Although one has to be a little sceptical about polls in general, the results do make a lot of sense. The title says it all: "Big decision has been made so just get on with it."

 Apparently the 'remain' camp is now a lot less than 48%! Top priority recorded was to stop paying anything at all into the EU budget and to be rid of the European Court of Justice. Those came higher than control of immigration. That shows what really drove the vote last summer. Best wishes 

David Fuller's view

Thanks for this email and the link to Lord Ashcroft’s column in The Telegraph.  My impression is certainly that support to remain has shrunk considerably, not least because EU officials have not distinguished themselves with their adolescent bluster and threats of punishment since the Brexit vote.  Meanwhile, PM Theresa May has made it very clear that we are leaving the EU, not Europe with which we will continue to have strong links and mutual interests. 

Judging from voter priorities mentioned by Lord Ashcroft above, we need to leave the EU quickly.  That may be unsettling but not if one considers that mutually sensible trade agreements are much more likely to be agreed once we are free from EU red tape.  It was designed with the sole intention of deterring countries from exercising their democratic right and leaving the EU.     

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