Email of the day
On compulsory military service:
Dear David Have only just caught up with Roger Bootle's column re: Defence Spending, and your comments. Was particularly interested in your suggestion re: 2 year military service as I am old enough to have done National Service 1953-55, in Egypt and Cyprus. At that time there we had 80,000 men "guarding" the 99 mile long Suez Canal, while the UK had many other worldwide military commitments and had been heavily involved in the Korean War. I believe that the estimated TOTAL size of our army within a few years will be - below 80,000! Apart from financial constraints the Army is facing a severe recruitment problem. I suggest this is partly to do with the lack of support that soldiers receive after discharge. A significant number finish up on the streets and in prison. The meagre government aid available to these heroes is clearly insufficient, and it is left to charities like "Walking With the Wounded" and "Help for Heroes" to try to bridge the gap. I commend them to your readers. With best wishes
Thank you for this thoughtful email, which will certainly be of interest to many subscribers, not least those of a similar age. A country can always do more to help solders who have suffered fiscal and mental injuries in battles. This should be a priority, in my opinion. Government support is essential but it is also a national effort, involving charities and businesses. Prince Harry’s efforts on behalf of wounded soldiers are both a credit to the Royal family and a testimony to his character.
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