Email of the day on the Chart Library
“As a veteran subscriber, I hope you will not mind my candid comments.
“I have always been a fan of fullermoney and have had tremendous admiration for the service provided by both of you. I hope to continue with the service for a very long time.
“When recommending the service to my friends, I always told them that it had the best chart library in the world - and I really meant it. It was simple to use and contained everything one wanted. It was pleasure to flip through the charts, on a daily basis.
“I wonder what caused you to modify the library? The new library has so many features that do not work and has added almost no real value to the subscribers. It is really very frustrating to use and the implementation, with so many problems, looks like (if you do not mind my saying so), a very unprofessional job. To be honest, now I dread to even go near the chart library.
“I do not know what the other veteran subscribers feel about it, but I for one would be extremely happy, if you were to revert to the old library. A poll amongst the veteran subscribers would help to gauge their sentiments.
“The old adage, 'why fix it if it ain't broke' applies very well to this situation.
“I am sorry for my frank feedback and hope it will be received in the right spirit, from a friend of the ft service.”
Thanks for your feedback and interest in this service over many years. I think you may have missed some of my earlier comments, not least at the beginning of two Audios last week. Briefly, I will repeat the key factors as some other subscribers may also not have had all the information.
Basically, we were no longer in a position where we could develop Fullermoney. Moreover, we were in an unstable environment and had to extract ourselves to ensure the future and expansion of this service. It certainly would have helped if we could have extracted the Library as it was, but we could not, mainly for reasons of code.
All of us at FT Money appreciate and share your concern over the Library but we are improving its functionality on a daily basis. Eoin posts an update of each development in his section for your perusal. We are restoring the old Library in terms of graphics and coverage, and then we will develop its capabilities well beyond what we had before.
Meanwhile, I thank all subscribers for their patience and also for notifying us of bugs encountered.
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