Email of the day 3
On Strategy via internet connections or a conference call:
“Dear David, how do you do? I hope everything is fine up in London. I am very interested in joining the Strategy meetings that you are holding periodically. However, being at SAmerica makes this difficult both in time and money. Is it possible to join them through an internet connection or a CCall maybe with a safety key given once you subscribe and pay for it? Just an idea for off London subscribers. Thank you very much All the best for you and your team.”
Thank you very much for your kind words. All is well in London. In fact, we have not really had a winter to date, just lots of rain, and spring is now in full flow.
I really appreciate you interest in the Strategy meetings and suggestions for an internet connection or conference call. However, I think it is less complicated if I deal with email questions and talk a bit more about strategy in the Audios, as I have been trying to do.
I only decided to try the Strategy sessions because I have always enjoyed meeting groups of subscribers for informal market discussions. I did this for a long time with TCS, which of course Eoin now runs. At this stage of my career and with a daily service it is better for me if I stay in London. Iain Little, who has been a subscriber for decades and runs his own investment company, similarly enjoys the discussions and meeting fellow subscribers. So we decided to try several of these sessions, where there is no sales pitch but we get to discuss market outlook and tactics, and share some refreshments. I do not know how long they will continue because subscribers near London are also busy people and may feel that they have more than enough with Comment of the Day and the Audios. So if Londoners would like them to continue, I hope you will come along on 7th March.
(See The Markets Now flier below.)
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