The Markets Now: Monday 7th July
Comment of the Day

July 04 2014

Commentary by David Fuller

The Markets Now: Monday 7th July

Here is the brochure for our next interactive seminar at the East India Club, 16 St. James SquareLondon SW1Y 4LH.  


David Fuller's view

This session on the 7th is becoming more interesting by the day; markets are lively and so much to discuss!  Iain Little will be talking about gold, not least recovering mining shares, and by good fortune Bruce Albrecht is back in London for the day and will also contribute. They will also mention some deep discount investment trusts that could see a late run.  

It is always a treat to see and chat with subscribers and their guests at these events.  I also look forward to hearing guest speaker Emad Mostaque’s views on the current Middle East situation.  This could not be more timely, topical and relevant.  As before, we will carry on in the Club's cash bar following the presentations.  I hope you can join us.

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