Emails of the day in reply to the Monday Audio request for a written summary of the broadcast:
Comment of the Day

August 05 2014

Commentary by David Fuller

Emails of the day in reply to the Monday Audio request for a written summary of the broadcast:

“Repeating the audio in written would be a complete waste of time. I really value the addional, different commentary we get from other aspect in the written commentaries and think this adds far greater value to the service. What would be good however is for the audio to be downloadable, e.g as a podcast. This would allow the audios to be listened to without being connected to the internet. Please could we have this as a priority.”


“Respectfully, I like the service the way it is.”


“A daily market summary is convenient but of much less value than the occasions when you provide some analysis of the facts.”

David Fuller's view

Thanks for this feedback which is very helpful.  We should be able to have a Podcast and will certainly look into this. 

Re analysis of the facts, particularly at challenging times, I agree this is important.  I can try to be objective and draw on my experience, as you might have heard on Monday and Tuesday.  The risk is that I overrun, as those two Audios were just over 16 minutes in duration.  However, the key point is that I only record them for you, so I am guided by your practical suggestions of general interest.

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