The Markets Now
Comment of the Day

February 10 2015

Commentary by David Fuller

The Markets Now

Monday 23rd February at the East India Club, 16 St. James SquareLondonSW1Y 4LH


David Fuller's view

If you live near London and attend our next seminar on 23rd February, you will meet another subscriber, David Brown, who has attended Markets Now and will return next month as our guest speaker.  He is a fascinating, visionary and accomplished individual whose subject will be The Third Industrial Revolution.  

You will find the speakers’ short bios in the latest brochure, and if Bruce Albrecht can join us once again in London he will also participate.  Delegates will be limited to 35 so I would not delay if you are interested in this event.  At approximately 8:30pm, following the presentations, speakers and many delegates adjourn to the East India Club’s American Bar for refreshments and further conversation.  I hope you can stay on and join us if you have the time.

I cannot think of a more interesting time in the markets to be holding this Seminar – come along to listen, enjoy and participate.   

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