View from the Bridge: Beware Greeks bearing spanners
Comment of the Day

February 16 2015

Commentary by David Fuller

View from the Bridge: Beware Greeks bearing spanners

My thanks to Clive Hale for his interesting letter on this topic.  Here is the opening:

"A clueless political personnel, in denial of the systemic nature of the crisis, is pursuing policies akin to carpet-bombing the economy of proud European nations in order to save them." Yanis Varoufakis the current Greek finance minister on ECB, EU, German (take you pick) economic policy.

This guy, and his boss Alexis Tsipras, are being portrayed in the massively manipulated “main stream press” as Marxist tyrants who will lead the Greek economy into ruin. Varoufakis’ argument is that, courtesy of the Troika, Greece is already in that condition, but the root of the problem goes back much further. To get to join the euro club in the first place “convergence” had to take place.

David Fuller's view

Here is Clive Hale's Letter.

Following Friday’s premature optimism, this impasse is obviously now a headwind for EU stock markets.  

Most investors and commentators appear to expect a compromise deal to be reached before the 25th. This makes sense to me as well.  If so, we are only seeing a consolidation in EU stock markets. Thereafter, QE kicks in and should extend the EU’s stock market recoveries.

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