Banks Face Scrutiny Over Pricing of Precious Metals: WSJ
Here is the opening of this report from Reuters:
(Reuters) - The U.S. Department of Justice (DoJ) and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission are investigating at least 10 major banks for possible rigging of precious-metals markets, the Wall Street Journal reported, citing people close to the inquiries.
DoJ prosecutors are scrutinizing the price-setting process
' class="itxtrst itxtrstimg itxthookicon" v:shapes="itxthook0icon"> for gold, silver, platinum and palladium in London, while the CFTC has opened a civil investigation, the newspaper said.
The banks are HSBC Holdings Plc, Bank of Nova Scotia, Barclays Plc, Credit Suisse Group AG, Deutsche Bank AG, Goldman Sachs Group Inc, JPMorgan Chase & Co, Societe Generale, Standard Bank Group Ltd and UBS Group AG, the Journal said.
Standard Bank spokesman Erik Larsen declined to comment on the report. The other banks, the DoJ and CFTC did not immediately respond to requests for comment.
The CFTC issued a subpoena to HSBC Bank USA in January seeking documents related to the bank's precious metals trading operations, HSBC said on Monday.
The DoJ also issued a request to HSBC Holdings in November seeking documents related to a criminal antitrust investigation it is conducting in relation to precious metals, HSBC said.
I hope they look closely because some of the intraday volatility has been ridiculous in recent years, particularly for silver. That just drives participants away, including this one.
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