Buffett Says US Economy Continues Steady Improvement
Comment of the Day

April 02 2015

Commentary by David Fuller

Buffett Says US Economy Continues Steady Improvement

Investor Warren Buffett says the economy continues to grow steadily, but too many people continue to miss out on the American dream.

Buffett told CNN Thursday that he doesn't see any real sign of weakness in the economy. Buffett looks at reports from the more than 80 businesses his Berkshire Hathaway conglomerate owns for insight.

But Buffett reiterated his concerns about income inequality in this country while the super-rich continue to thrive. He said that America should be able to do more to help people who are struggling do better.

Buffett is always looking for potential investments for his company. He says that these days he doesn't see many stocks he'd consider cheap, but he doesn't believe there is a bubble in stock prices either.

David Fuller's view

This strikes me as a realistic and reassuring summary by Warren Buffett, in contrast to some of the alarmist comments which circulate for various reasons during significant uptrends.  Bull markets climb a wall of worry, but it is better to be simultaneously experiencing capital appreciation rather than being underinvested and hoping for a market slump.

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