The Browning Newsletter: Battle of the Titans
thanks to Alex Seagle for this fascinating letter
written by Evelyn Browning-Garriss and published by Fraser Management Associates.
Here are the bullet points:
A rare combination of 4 climate factors that create colder weather created this extreme winter.
The past 3 months have been particularly expensive for local governments, transportation, energy, agriculture and the insurance industry.
Two of the 4 climate factors are fading and should be gone by mid-summer.
Expect a stormy spring with delayed planting in Canada and the Midwest and drought in the South.
World crops should be better this summer.
The La Niña will probably return next winter.
The long-term AMO is shifting the Sahara heat and drought north causing drought in North Africa and the Middle East and frequent heat waves in Europe.
This AMO shift is creating food shortages, high prices and desperation in the area that produces the largest portion of the world's oil
David Fuller's view Evelyn Browning-Garriss will be speaking at the 49th Contrary Opinion Forum in October 2011. So will Rod Smyth who produces The Weekly View, which Fullermoney is delighted to post.
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