The Chart Seminar
Comment of the Day

January 07 2011

Commentary by Eoin Treacy

The Chart Seminar

Eoin Treacy's view Interest in the Sydney seminar remains robust. We have now sold 72% or our capacity since mentioning it to subscribers last week. The dates for all our seminars in 2011 are:

Singapore - April 28th and 29th

Sydney - May 3rd and 4th

London - May 19th and 20th

London - November 3rd & 4th

We are currently taking bookings for all four of these seminars and those interested can contact Sarah Barnes at [email protected]. The full rate is £950 + VAT. The early booking rate of £875 for non-subscribers expires on March 17th for the Singapore seminar and March 24th for the Sydney seminar. Paid-up Fullermoney subscribers are offered a discounted rate of £850. Anyone booking more than one place can also avail of the £850 rate for the second and subsequent delegates.

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