Tim Price: A financial glossary
thanks to the author of this most
original of letters for this week's witty comments published by PFP Wealth
Management. Here is a sample:
BANK, n. Bottomless cavity in the ground that sucks in money and the unwary.
I had quite a bit of money but then I put it in the bank.
BOND, n. A profitless contrivance used for catching the gullible or feeble-minded.
That pension fund is 100% in bonds now.
BROKER, adj. A comparative descriptive state for a client of a Wall Street bank.
He didn't exactly have a lot of money before he started dealing with Goldman Sachs. Now he's even broker.
BUBBLE, n. Fundamental prerequisite for a functioning Anglo-Saxon economy.
We need a new bubble to replace the ones we had in dotcom and property.
CENTRAL BANK, n. Lobbyist for commercial banks well versed in alchemy.
CURRENCY, n. Largely intangible substance with an inherent property that tends to instantaneous evaporation, the destruction of life and the permanent impairment of wealth.
I had money once but then I exchanged it for currency in a moment of madness.
DEFAULT, n. Semi-mythical celestial occurrence that passes by Earth every 76 years.
I was worried for a second about that Greek default, but I realise there's nothing to see now and all is well.
FEDERAL RESERVE, n. A wholly owned subsidiary of Goldman Sachs.
The Federal Reserve voted to give a few more billion dollars to Wall Street.
David Fuller's view Tim mentions that "Further contributions are gratefully received." Warning - once you start it is difficult to stop. Don't miss the one for Rogue Trader.