Today's interesting charts
Comment of the Day

May 27 2011

Commentary by Eoin Treacy

Today's interesting charts

The Chart Library contains more than 18,000 instruments as well as an array of ratios, spreads and overlays not easily found elsewhere.

Eoin Treacy's view Euro Stoxx Banks Index - upside key day reversal three days ago checked the decline at least temporarily. It will need to rally further to break the four-month progression of lower rally highs and indicate a return to demand dominance.

Corn - continues to pause below the 2008 peak near 800¢ but has sustained the progression of major reaction lows and remains above the 200-day MA. A sustained move below 650¢ would be required to check potential for a successful upward break.

Siemens - remains in a consistent medium-term uptrend and has just completed a reversion towards the 200-day MA. The upside can continue to be given the benefit of the doubt provided it continues to hold above the MA.

Starbucks - continues to post consolidations one above another and an MDL stop near $31.50 would need to be triggered to begin to question medium-term uptrend potential.

Vietnam - accelerated lower on consecutive days from mid May but found at least short-term support yesterday and posted an emphatic upside key day reversal. It has followed through today and a sustained move below 380 would be required to check potential for a further unwinding of the short-term oversold condition.

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