Today's interesting charts
Comment of the Day

December 16 2011

Commentary by David Fuller

Today's interesting charts

Reviewing price charts is the best way to make sense of an overwhelming amount of market information.

David Fuller's view China's Shanghai A-Shares Index (weekly & daily) formed another upside key day reversal today following an overstretched decline. The key suggests that at least a technical rally has commenced, as we saw following the two upside keys in October. However, a break in the progression of lower rally highs, currently requiring a rally above 2660 is necessary to snap the medium-term downtrend. This is not an unreasonable prospect in the next few months given the overall extent of the decline and proximity of the 2008-2009 trough.

USA's S&P 500 Index (weekly & daily) has retraced approximately half of its late-November to early-December rally. Psychology, the November low just under 1160 is important because the S&P currently shows a higher reaction low. A breech of that level would reaffirm once again that supply still has the upper hand. Conversely, evidence that demand is returning beyond short-lived rebounds requires a push back above the early-December to late October highs and also the 200-day MA.

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