Today's interesting charts
Comment of the Day

December 10 2012

Commentary by David Fuller

Today's interesting charts

David Fuller's view Signs of trend changes, due to fundamentals and sentiment, will show on price charts before they are recognised and accepted by the crowd of investors.

China's Shanghai A-Shares Index (weekly & daily) continues to show technical evidence that it has finally bottomed, and the political / fundamental story is very interesting (see last week's comments). I expect a challenge of the September and October rally highs before long and it would take a clear downward dynamic to indicate more than brief resistance near those levels.

We maintain that a recovering China would be bullish for industrial metal prices.

Copper LME is rising for the fourth consecutive week if today's gains hold and are extended. A break beneath the November low near $7500 would be required to negate current evidence that the range since October 2011 is a large base formation. Similarly, Aluminium, Lead, Tin and Zinc all show similar patterns. Therefore I would continue to give the upside the benefit of the doubt until we eventually see some downward dynamics.

See also Eoin's latest insights on China below.

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