Today's interesting charts
Comment of the Day

February 01 2013

Commentary by David Fuller

Today's interesting charts

David Fuller's view If you wish to stay in touch, keep your eyes on the price action.

China's Shanghai A-Share (weekly & daily) is moving towards the next area of potential resistance near 2600. In the short term, I would continue to give the upside the benefit of the doubt while the progression of higher reaction lows remains consistent. China remains one of my top three Asian choices for 2013 and potentially beyond.

Japan's Topix 2nd Section (weekly & daily) often leads and it has seen a decisive upside breakout. Watch for a loss of uptrend consistency which would signal the next reaction and consolidation. Japan remains one of my top three Asian choices for 2013 and potentially beyond. Give the upside the benefit of the doubt while the yen (shown inversely as USD/JPY) remains weak. The next area of potential resistance is near ¥95. (See also yesterday's Comment.)

Vietnam - Note the higher reaction low (weekly & daily) following the V-bottom in 2012. This is a far more speculative market than Japan and China above but it also looks capable of a significant catch-up move now that the Dong has remained pegged to the USD for over two years. VNINDEX is currently testing former resistance from the May 2012 high.

Crude Oil (Brent) (weekly & daily) has pushed steadily higher since mid-January and is approaching the important highs seen between August and October 2012. It looks temporarily extended but a clear downward dynamic is required to reaffirm resistance near the highs shown during the second half of last year.

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