Today's interesting charts
Comment of the Day

May 06 2010

Commentary by Eoin Treacy

Today's interesting charts

Peripheral Eurozone sovereign spreads continue to expand. Here are some examples.

Eoin Treacy's view Greek government bond spreads - continues to accelerate higher and a meaningful decline sustained for more than a week or two would be required to signal some sort of equilibrium has been found.

Irish government bond spreads - testing the 1993 high near 300 basis points and a downward dynamic would be required to check momentum beyond a brief pause.

Italian government bond spreads - breaking upwards from the six-month range to test the early 2009 highs. However, a countermanding downward dynamic would be required for the 150 basis point area to offer anything other than temporary resistance.

Portugal government bond spreads - continues to accelerate higher and a downward dynamic, sustained for more than a couple of weeks, is required to signal that a new equilibrium has been found.

Spain government bond spreads - breaks upwards to new 13-year highs and a sustained move below 100 basis points would be required to question scope for additional upside.

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