Walter Deemer: The Most Meaningful Sentiment Point?
Comment of the Day

July 27 2012

Commentary by David Fuller

Walter Deemer: The Most Meaningful Sentiment Point?

My thanks to the author for his latest letter. Here is a sample:
(When I was at Putnam and made a forceful recommendation to buy or sell, if the money managers then jumped up, started cheering, and carried me on their shoulders as they ran to the trading department, orders in hand, I would go back to my office and wonder where I had gone wrong. But if they looked at me as if I had just arrived from another planet, I was pretty confident that I was right.)

David Fuller's view If you do not already know of Walter Deemer (well, nobody is perfect) he is the esteemed author of the recently published, "Deemer On Technical Analysis." He is both a wit and a contrarian, as you can see from the paragraph above.

Walter is a stalwart at the wonderful Contrary Opinion Forum, and approachable.

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