Weekend reading
Comment of the Day

July 12 2013

Commentary by Eoin Treacy

Weekend reading

Eoin Treacy's view Thanks to a subscriber for this list of mostly academic reports contributed in the spirit of Empowerment Through Knowledge. The image of global shale oil and gas reserves from the EIA is particularly noteworthy this week.

"Global instances of coups from 1950 to 2010”

EIA: “Technically Re coverable Shale Oil and Shale Gas Resources: An Assessment of 137 Shale Formations in 41 Countries Outside the United States

DnB: “Global liquidity as an early warning indicator of asset price booms

Fed: “How does a federal minimum wage hike affect aggregate household spending?

Fed: “A Decomposition of Shifts of the Beveridge Curve” ( This is very academic. The point that is important is highlighted below and shown in the chart, unemployment benefit programs are a disincentive to actual work )

US Off-Balance-Sheet Federal Liabilities

BIS: “Foreign exchange intervention and expectation in emerging economies

Bundesbank: “The price impact of CDS trading

Please note – David is away on Fullermoney business but provided this short note:

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