Welling on Wall St: Interviewing Walter Deemer 'On Seeing With Charts'
With the market's underlying bipolar tendencies, which had been blessedly sublimated during the first quarter's bracing rally showing themselves more and more often of late, I placed a call earlier this week to Port St. Lucie, FL.
That is where Walter Deemer, long the technical analyst of choice for the often-secretive institutional mega-portfolio set, these days chooses to pass his days not only market watching, but in more bucolic riverfront pursuits, like bird watching. When, that is, he isn't engaged in public service: Promoting the book on technical analysis for the 401-K investor crowd that he and co-author Susan Cragin published earlier this year. It's a task, Walt grumbles, not made easy by his publishing company's insistence on titling the volume, "Deemer on Technical Analysis." His working title, Walt avers, would have caught a lot more eyes on Amazon, and even in book stores:
"Kinky Sex, Graphic Violence and Technical Analysis, Buy This Book and You'll Be Batting .333"
Under either name, it's a great read, as fascinating for its priceless collection of anecdotes about crucial junctures in investment history as it is clear and straightforward about the technical analysis tools and insights it shares.
David Fuller's view I first met Walter Deemer during an Investment Research Conference at Cambridge University in the early 1970s. Some veteran subscribers may recall those fine events which ran for many years. Walter and I became friends, swapped publications and I was delighted to see him again at the Contrary Opinion Forum in 2008 and subsequent years.
Walter sent me a copy of his book recently. With Eoin away for most of April, I have not yet had time to read it carefully. However, I know that it is packed with interesting anecdotes from Walter's career. I will take the book with me on a family holiday in late May and comment further on return.
Subscriber's attending the 50th Contrary Opinion Forum in October would enjoy meeting Walter Deemer and his charming (OW) Bobbie. I will let Walter explain the OW part.