World Equity Index Valuations Tables
Comment of the Day

December 06 2010

Commentary by Eoin Treacy

World Equity Index Valuations Tables

Eoin Treacy's view Here is the monthly list of 99 global indices ranked in descending order by dividend yield, then in ascending order by P/E, Price / Book and Price / Cash Flow.

Small cap indices drew my attention this month. The FTSE AIM Index is quoted in the above report as trading at a negative Price/Book value which is probably not representative of the true value but does suggest that the sector is still comparatively cheap. No P/E is quoted for the Index but the FTSE Small Cap Index, which includes a number of investment trusts, is currently trading at a P/E of 8.28, dividend yield of 2.7 and Price/Book of 1.31.

The AIM Index found support in the region of the 200-day MA between July and September and remains in a consistent medium-term uptrend. It has posted a positive return in 11 of the last 14 weeks and has become somewhat overextended relative to the 200-day MA. However, a sustained move below the trend mean would be required to question medium-term upside potential.

The FTSE Small Cap Index broke out of a yearlong range in October and retested the 3000 level two weeks ago. A sustained move below 2900 would be required to question medium-term upside potential.

The Topix 2nd Section Index is currently trading at a P/E of 17.05 and a Price/Book in the region of .62. The Index is currently rallying from the lower side of the 18-month range a s sustained move below 200 would be required to question current scope for additional higher to lateral ranging.

(Please note: All data quoted above originates in Bloomberg. We realise that some of the data displayed is inaccurate for some indices, particularly where ADRs are included. However, I have endeavoured to remove those indices which were most problematic. We continue to publish these tables because the data is generally accurate and going forward we will continue to weed-out the less reliable data sets as subscribers highlight them for us. I have also deleted the FTSE AIM Index from the list because it does not seem to have very reliable figures. The P/Es quoted by Bloomberg are exclusively based on operating earnings.)

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