World Equity Index Valuations Tables
Comment of the Day

April 12 2010

Commentary by Eoin Treacy

World Equity Index Valuations Tables

Here is the monthly list of 99 global indices ranked in descending order by dividend yield, then in ascending order by P/E, Price / Book and Price / Cash Flow.

Eoin Treacy's view The Argentine MERVAL Index caught my eye this month because it continues to trade at one of the lower P/Es globally and has a Price/Book of only 1.3. On a casual inspection these appear to be low valuations for a leading market. In local currency terms the Index is hitting new all time highs. In US Dollars, the Index remains in a consistent uptrend and broke upwards to new recovery highs last week. A downward dynamic would be required to check momentum beyond a brief pause.

(Please note: All data quoted above originates in Bloomberg. We realise that some of the data displayed is inaccurate for some indices, particularly where ADRs are included. However, I have endeavoured to remove those indices which were most problematic. We continue to publish these tables because the data is generally accurate and going forward we will continue to weed-out the less reliable data sets as subscribers highlight them for us. I have also deleted the FTSE AIM Index from the list because it does not seem to have very reliable figures. The P/Es quoted by Bloomberg are exclusively based on operating earnings.)

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