World Equity Market Valuations Tables October 7th 2014
Comment of the Day

October 07 2014

Commentary by Eoin Treacy

World Equity Market Valuations Tables October 7th 2014

Eoin Treacy's view

Here is a link to the full table.

Russia and Hong Kong continue to make headlines but the low P/E of 7.92 and competitive yield of 4.37% for the Norwegian market is also worthy of mention. 

The Index has been pressured lower over the last few weeks by the underperformance of Statoil, its largest holding and It dropped to break a progression of higher reaction lows evident since 2011. The weakness of the Krone over the same period has exacerbated the move for foreign investors. The market’s attractive valuations may act as a cushion for prices but the loss of uptrend consistency is such that a period of support building will likely be required before medium-term demand dominance can be re-established.

(Please note: All data quoted above originates in Bloomberg. We realise that some of the data displayed is inaccurate for some indices, particularly where ADRs are included. However, I have endeavoured to remove the most problematic indices. We publish these tables because the data is generally accurate and going forward we will continue to weed-out the less reliable data sets as subscribers highlight them for us. The P/Es quoted by Bloomberg are exclusively based on operating earnings.)


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