Email of the day (2)
on a luxury fund:
"Is there a unit trust that invests in luxury brand shares or do we have to create our own portfolio of such shares?"
Eoin Treacy's view Thank you for this question
which refers to my review of luxury shares yesterday and may be of interest
to other subscribers. I found two funds that apply to this sector.
first is Aberdeen Prestige International
listed in France and in Euro. It has a front end load of 2% and a management
fee of 1.79%. Here is a link to its factsheet.
second is the Amundi Luxury & Lifestyle
Fund listed in Luxembourg and in US Dollars. Amundi is a subsidiary of SocGen.
The fund charges a 2% management fee. Here
is a link to its factsheet.
have both performed in line with the sector and been added to the Chart Library.