Email of the day (4)
Comment of the Day

April 06 2011

Commentary by David Fuller

Email of the day (4)

On a presentation regarding partial meltdowns at the Fukushima reactors:
"I attach a link to a presentation I thought you may be interested in that I came across on the internet regarding the design of the Fukushima Nuclear plant and how it has been damaged. Normally I wouldn't send in such a thing without knowing about the background of it, but this is apparently put together by someone at Areva, has contact details, and in my (non-expert) opinion seems to agree to some of the other more reliable information that is available about the incident."

David Fuller's view Thanks for this. Although the reactors were not designed by Areva, their technicians would certainly know what they are talking about and this by far the clearest presentation on the problems at Fukushima that I have seen. I also reproduced it in PDF format for general convenience.

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