The Chart Seminar's tour to the USA
Comment of the Day

April 27 2012

Commentary by Eoin Treacy

The Chart Seminar's tour to the USA

Eoin Treacy's view The hospitality we received everywhere we went during this trip to the USA was an added bonus to what was a most enjoyable speaking tour. Mrs Treacy and I are now even more enthusiastic about our trip to Vermont for The Contrary Opinion Forum in October.

While in the USA I delivered talks to the MTA in San Diego and Los Angeles, the TSAA-SF in San Francisco and the CFA in San Francisco. Unfortunately, none of these talks was videoed. I have, however, transformed each of the PowerPoint presentations into a PDF. In addition to being poster here today these will be added to the Presentations section of the site shortly.

The first talk I gave was entitled to Horde or to Hoard. It focused on the loss of objectivity we suffer as soon as we take a position and the requirement for a disciplined approach to trading. I used the consistency of a number of autonomies to demonstrate the consistency characteristics upon which our method relies.

The second talk was entitled Fire or Ice: Will inflation or deflation triumph? In this talk I demonstrated where inflation and deflation are evident in different parts of the economy and how the leverage of Autonomies to the global economy helps to explain their outperformance.

The talk I gave to the CFA was entitled “Differing patterns of development: Comparing India and China to the UK and USA” In this talk I argued how it was more appropriate to compare the development of China and India to that of the USA and UK rather than to each other.

I was also interviewed by Jim Puplava for his Financial Sense site while in San Diego. Here is a link to the site.

I will write a piece detailing some of the impressions I had of the USA on Monday.

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